Hyperbaric therapy is a revolutionary treatment for animals ie: dogs, equine and feline with acute central nervous system injuries, including the brain and the spinal cord. In animal medicine, this innovative technique is also helpful in treating ischemic issues occurring due to severe tissue damage. Particularly, felines and equines are prone to disorders like laminitis, and arthritis in dogs, which are inflammation damage of soft tissues or muscle.
Today, Hbot can heal and cure several traumas affecting the quality of life in animals. Equine hyperbaric therapy for the central nervous system is one such therapeutic remedy that has significantly emerged as effective in veterinary medicines. From treating complex wounds in dogs, cats and equine to critical traumas of the CNS (central nervous system), hyperbaric therapy has exhibited impressive results.
With the progress of the veterinary medicine industry, it has become easier to manage pain, rehabilitate soft tissues, and combat infections through hyperbaric therapy. Now. How does hyperbaric therapy work? How can it benefit animals? Let’s understand it in detail.
Hyperbaric therapy is based on the principle of oxygen hyper-saturation in blood. It collectively induces numerous cellular, biochemical, and physiologic effects, assisting in increased oxygen circulation to damaged tissues. Ideally, hyperbaric therapy facilitates healing wounds and injuries through faster tissue repair.
Working with other medications, the treatment helps to manage pain and infections in any part of an animal’s body. When Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is administered successfully healing begins.
How does the therapy work?
Let’s tell you that the therapy is based on simple gas laws. Under normal atmospheric pressure, a living body ie: you, me and animals
do not breathe 100% oxygen. As we know, red blood cells carry oxygen-rich blood. Nonetheless, this oxygen is in limited amounts when exposed to the usual atmospheric pressure. What does it mean? The cells receive only a certain amount of oxygen, which is not sufficient to heal damaged tissue. So, the natural healing process becomes slow and sometimes unfruitful.
The Equine hyperbaric oxygen chamber does the job! It is a stainless-steel chamber capsule with sliding doors. The animal is placed inside. Under pressurized oxygen animals breathe 100% oxygen, and the blood becomes hyper-saturated. It means that as oxygen intake increases, the hemoglobin in the blood becomes fully saturated. This extra oxygen dissolves in the plasma and is carried to various parts of the body.
The K9 (dog) and feline chambers are glass. These chambers enable the circulation of more oxygen to the damaged tissues.. Enhanced oxygen delivery aids in faster healing of wounds, inflammations, ischemic injuries, fungal diseases, burns, cellulitis, CNS traumas, etc.
Unhealthy tissues require abundant oxygen to heal properly. Insufficient local oxygen delays healing, causing more complications. Thankfully, with advanced technology like hyperbaric therapy, it is now possible to treat animals faster!
Hyperbaric therapy aids in comprehensive healing of wounds and injuries in the following ways:
No wonder hyperbaric therapy is an innovative and highly effective treatment aiding faster healing and recovery. It enables better management of wounds, traumas, injuries, and diseases without side effects. Combined with conventional medications and surgical procedures, hyperbaric therapy ensures superior results.
Hyperbaric Chambers International Ltd
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Hyperbaric Chambers International Ltd
Registered in England, Co. Number: 16298479
Registered office address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ