Equine Subzero Cryosauna


The Subzero Horse cryosauna is a cryogenic machine designed to conduct cryotherapy sessions for horses thus inducing more rapid muscle tone recovery. 

What does Cryotherapy do 

The Subzero treats the entire equines body in a 5 minute Session. 

All lower limbs, back, shoulders, S1, neck, hamstrings, stifles, removes Lactic acid, from all muscles within 15 minutes of leaving the cabin. Flushes inflammation from entire body. Detoxes the system, regenerates the nervous system. Boosts the immune system and prepares the horse immediately for consecutive exercise competition. 

These sessions should be done prior to saddling, showing, racing etc. No wait time after treatment, and they have continuous benefit for 24 hours. 

First timers using the Therapy at show or race, we suggest having horse treated upon arrival as the horse has possibly been training hard preparing for the show etc, and often endures a long trailer ride to get there. A session in the Subzero will completely regenerates the horse and have them ready to perform at their highest ability. 


For horses with previous injuries or issues (EPM PSSM) tie up or anhidrosis, we suggest 3 consecutive treatments, 3 days in a row to reset their bodies and strengthen overall. 


If looking for performance enhancing, we suggest12 hours prior daily Therapy is suggested if you are looking to stay ahead in the competition. 

Your horse should feel better or as good as when arrives. 


Introduces the equine athlete to temperatures of -200 to -250F for a period of 4-6 minutes. With in 30 seconds, the body reacts by entering a state of "thermal shock". this cutaneous thermal shock must be achieved in only a few seconds in order to trigger a central neurological response. The cells need to be exposed to extreme cold temperatures for a short period of time in order to create "life danger" condition without the risk of tissue damage. "COLD ENOUGH-SHORT ENOUGH" is the key. Cryotherapy is the only method to achieve this reaction. 

Cold therapy has long been known to reduce swelling, speed up the healing process, alleviate pain & inflammation. Bringing down the temperature of muscles & ligaments after a workout can prevent soreness & speed healing of minor tears or injuries that may have occurred, thus avoiding a costly injury. 

The temperature drop activates the cutaneous neuroreceptors & thermoreceptors, generating an immediate remote corrective reflex in the body that activates the neurovegetative system sending the body into a defensive mode. The defensive mode quickly transports the body’s blood, nutrients & resources to the organs in the core. During this process the body starts oxygenating the blood, flushing it of toxins & lactic acid. 

This then produces several effects on endocrinal & enzymatic production, an inhibitive effect on pain receptors. The relaying of nervous impulses, the activation of the vascular & lymphatic systems. There is also the additional benefit of muscle relaxation, mental focus & immune system activation. 

Download our fact sheet

The Subzero Cabin horse


Width: 2,200 mm

Length: 2,400 mm

Height: 2,200 mm

Weight: 800 kg


Liquid nitrogen consumption: 10 litres per session

Operates on: 220/230V, 50/60 Hz AC

Power consumption: 2.5 kW


The Subzero Horse cryo is a cryogenic machine designed to conduct cryotherapy sessions for horses thus inducing more rapid muscle tone recovery. The subzero cryo is made of high-quality materials and designed in a way to ensure that a horse is not stressed during the session. You can have your company logo displayed inside and outside the cryotherapy machine. 

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Cryo chamber for horses

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handheld localised cryo for horses and Dogs

What is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy in horses/dogs, consisting of ice or freezing therapy, is growing in popularity. The animal is exposed to an extreme cold by various methods including but not limited to placing the animal in a cryotherapy chamber for a brief period. Cryotherapy in animals is used as a treatment for various illnesses and ailments. Most veterinarians focus cryotherapy on smaller areas. In the past by applying cold packs, using an extreme cold or ice bath, or freezing a small area on the animal. Recent studies have shown cryotherapy is an effective treatment for skin conditions and well as the musculoskeletal system. Used in conjunction with anti-inflammatory medications, cryotherapy can be an effective treatment for aging or younger animals who have are experiencing minor injuries from muscle overuse.

  • Cryotherapy Procedure in Dogs and Horses

    Depending on the reason for the use of cryotherapy, your veterinarian may show you how to proceed at home with your animal. In common muscle injuries, cryotherapy is as simple as using an ice pack on the affected area in sessions of 10 to 20 minutes throughout the day. Now they have the Subzero cryo spot.

    If your veterinarian is using cryotherapy to freeze off any skin ailments, this procedure will be performed in your vet’s office. This freezing process uses extremely cold temperatures to freeze the abnormal cells, causing them to die and fall off the surface of the animal’s skin. Your veterinarian will use liquid nitrogen to accomplish this task. This can be done in a few different ways.

    Spraying liquid nitrogen through a cryoprobe, a tube device used to safely disperse the liquid nitrogen or even ultra-thin needles may be used to make the liquid nitrogen contact with the skin. This process will form ice crystals on the tumour or lesion, causing the abnormal cells to die off. Icing sore muscles is a simple procedure you and your dog can do at home.

    However, the act of freezing skin tissue can be painful for the Horse/dog. This type of cryotherapy will be done in your veterinarian’s office, and your animal may be placed under some type of anaesthesia. If your veterinarian is performing cryotherapy on very small areas of the skin, they may use local anaesthesia, numbing only that area of the skin. If the area is large, covering much of the animal, or located in moist tissue such as inside the Horse/dog’s mouth, your veterinarian may use general anaesthesia, so the animal is asleep during the procedure.

    Once the cryotherapy is complete and depending on the reason and size of the lesions, your veterinarian may recommend more than one procedure. The skin will begin to slough and will be easy to brush off with the help of simple bathing and gentle wiping of the dog’s skin. Be sure to attend follow-up appointments with your veterinarian to ensure the issue is cured, whether you are using cryotherapy for musculoskeletal injuries or more severe skin tumours.

  • Efficacy of Cryotherapy in Dogs and Horses

    In the case of muscle tears and pulls, cryotherapy along with rest is highly curative. Rest in these cases may be as important as cryotherapy to ensure the area is not re-injured or a more significant injury does not occur. This is true for post-surgery cryotherapy as well. Rest and cold therapy for the surgical area may help keep the dog or horse comfortable while healing.

    Freezing off skin cells by way of cryotherapy is also known to be curative. Depending on the size, depth, and scope of the lesion, more than one application of a cryotherapy procedure may be required. Cryotherapy is effective for warts and superficial skin tumours. Your veterinarian will be able to access the area and communicate the goals while giving professional opinions on how many treatments your Horse/ dogs may need for complete efficacy.

  • Cryotherapy Recovery in Dogs and Horses

    Cryotherapy for post-surgical recovery and musculoskeletal injuries or soreness is only a portion of the animal’s recovery.

    Freezing of cells with cryotherapy can be painful, but recovery, once the procedure is completed, is rather simple. Your veterinarian will give you instructions for follow-up care which may include a soothing bath to remove the dying tissue. There may be an odour with this sloughing tissue, and the affected area may appear greenish. Despite these unpleasant side effects, your animal will be comfortable because the area will be numb and free of pain or feeling. The area, depending on size and number of treatments, should not take more than a few weeks for a scab to form and fall off creating new, healthy skin.

  • Cost of Cryotherapy in Dogs and Horses

    Cryotherapy is a simple and cost-effective procedure for ridding your dog of minor skin irritations.

    Cryotherapy in your veterinarian’s office for the use of freezing off skin lesions will vary in cost depending on the size of the lesion, whether your doctor uses anaesthesia if it is local or general, or the number of treatments your dog needs. Each treatment can run anywhere from £50 to £150 including your regular office visit costs. Anaesthesia will drive this price up, speak with your veterinarian.

  • Dog Cryotherapy Considerations

    If your dog has been injured, catching the dog’s change in demeanour or movement early will be crucial to helping them control and manage their pain. In this case, cryotherapy by way of ice packs on the injured areas will help with swelling.

    In other cases of cryotherapy, if your dog has skin irritations, cryotherapy in the form of liquid nitrogen freezing can benefit the dog’s overall health significantly. Not only will freezing the abnormal skin cells give the dog relief from pain and irritations, but it ill also kill any germs, bacteria, or potential for additional cell growth in the case of small tumours.

    There could be a chance, if the lesion is cancerous, of relapse. It will be imperative to visit with your veterinarian for follow-up care and skin checks.

    Your veterinarian can assist you with the best diet and the best grooming care for your dog breed. Some breeds are more susceptible to certain skin ailments than others.

Cryogenic blower for local cryotherapy

  • Localised Subzero Spot Cryofan CF- 4 with Dewer
  • CRYOFAN CF 4 without Dewer 10 $9880
  • CRYOFAN CF 4 with Dewer 35 $13,880
  • CRYOFAN CF 4 with Dewer 50 $16,880
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Cryogenic blower for local cryotherapy

    With aesthetic treatments, the procedure time greatly varies, as it depends on the treatment area and the skin conditions involved.

    For skin issues on the face only, it may take from 3-5 minutes, while toning and rejuvenating may require up to 12 minutes, as it involves the neck decollete and scalp areas. (remember the forehead muscle is part of the pericranium, which goes all the way to the back of the head).

    Remember the working temperature at the end of the hose, which means that the treatment time will be longer to ensure proper cooling of the skin. While 5 minutes is long enough for a full face treatment if you have -120C at the end of the hose. With higher temperatures, you might need 12 minutes, which means more nitrogen consumption.

    The average consumption ranges from 0.07 to 0.15 litres per minute. While determining the number of cryostimulation procedures based on the dewar tank capacity, take, into account, the daily LN2 evaporation from the tank (about 0.03 to 0.47 per litre per 35-Litre Dewar tank. You should be able to squeeze about 46 facials From a 35-litre Dewar tank.

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